CleanEdge Solutions

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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

MrSnowgysSport : Will Mourinho last a season at Manchester United


Mourinho's era as the boss at Manchester United has not started the way he would have loved it to be. Within the past few days he has lost three consecutive matches and that does not give his profile a boost with the fans watching and even those he still has to convince in the boardroom that he is the man to take United back to the top.
He is definitely a good coach but so far his judgement has been a very poor one. This is the best time for him to start making the big decision.
He doesn't look himself and needs to be dropped.

He needs to make some changes to his team and that should start with him dropping Rooney to the bench even though that will bring a lot of criticism. He is not at his best and needs to sit out for the good of the team and am sure we will agree that he is not bigger than the team.
He is just not the united type of player and he has shown that under 3 different coaches.

 The pairing of Fellaini and Pogba is not working out as well and he still keeps using them. Mourinho needs to start adapting and needs to change his philosophy of playing physical football, Fellaini is just not a United kind of player. He has options on the bench. If he looses the game tonight against Northampton, it spells the beginning of the end for his career as the coach of United. Everybody thought with Mourinho has the coach the fear factor will return but so far it seems it is the opposite.
He is not the type that does well with criticism but he is definitely going to get a lot at united than he has gotten at a lot of other clubs he has worked at so far, so he Better starts getting used to it and work at receiving all the blames rather than pointing accusing fingers at his players through the media. Now is the time for Mourinho to deliver before the fans starts chanting for him to be sacked.

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