If you missed part Seventeen, read it HERE!!!
Normalcy had began to return to the university campus after days of stress and compulsory registration process. The scanty school environment had become flooded with students, majority of whom had recently resumed to participate in the registration, in accordance with prerequisite pertaining the new academic session. However, it is pertinent to note that Nigerian students prefer to stay at home for another few weeks after school had resumed. This culture is practised in virtualy every public schools both in O’level and higher level.
Femi was among the students who were yet to complete their clearance despite being in school since the beginning of resumption. On this particular day, he had gone to the school digital centre where he intended to register his courses online. Getting there, he met alot of people who arrived there before him, then he waked to the back of the hall and sat on a seat until it would get to his turn. Sitting close beside him was a very beautiful damsel. Her dark beauty was glowing like the star, she had a sleek skin coated with a cute dimple on her cheek whenever her lips curved into a radiant smile. Infact, words alone could barely describe her beauty. The georgous lady sat very calmly and relaxed whilst concentrating on her mobile phone. Femi felt the spurred to strike a convo with her but words eluded him. He then resolved to ignore her, but every moment passed, the silence kept hurting him inside. This intense feeling made him very uneasy as he couldn’t take his mind away from her. Femi continued staring at her, though stylishly, and it got to a point when she noticed, as she suddenly raised her head up while they both caught a glimpse of each others’ eyes before restraining their faces almost immediately.

Minutes passed and students who were done with their registration left the hall premises, while those seated at the back were shifting forward. Eventually, it got to their turn to move forward, and while the lady immediately stood up, her phone mistakenly fell from her hand and scattered into different places. Femi swiftly graph that opportunity to help her couple the phone back together while she watched helplessly in shock. Femi then switched on the phone, and fortunately, it was working perfectly. He handed back the phone to her with enough enthusiasm, and she replicated the kind gesture by thanking him immensely. Femi could now behold her complete features, and her beauty were indeed breathtaking. They soon engaged in a conversation, but not after occupying new seats.
“…so what the name?” Femi asked.
“My name is Ayo.” She replied cheerfully.
“Woah! Nice name you got there. I’m Femi.” He said.
“Hmmm… I’m poised to know what a student in the faculty of medicine could be doing here, all by herself.” He chipped in, playfully taking advantage of the fact that medicine students are rarely seen in the campus area, as the school authority had provided them an isolated hostel, with restricted movement.
“Excuse me!” I’m not a medicine student, but a 200 level student in the department of sociology, and I was recently admitted through direct-entry.” She asserted. Coincidentally, the both of them were course-mate, and since she was a fresher, Femi grew fond of her immediately.
The conversation became more interesting as they discussed about school-life, family, personal interest, individual prospect and even politics. Their rapport was spontaneous and eccentric, as though they had known each other for ages. They seem to share alot in common.
“Where do you stay?” Femi asked, thinking she wasn’t going to tell him, as most girls would do when asked for the first time.
“I’m staying at Royal’s garden lodge.”
Femi recognised the lodge instantly, which is very popular along ‘stadium road.
“I suppose you’re staying with your sibling or relative, since you’re a new student.” He said.
“Not really! I’m currently squatting with a mutual friend, whom I knew through an ex-course mate of mine from federal polytechnic offa, in kwara state where I finished from” Ayo said.
“Technically speaking, your’re staying with a stranger. Innit?!” Femi said jokingly and they both chuckled in unison.
The course registration process was progressing rapidly, and Ayo was the next-in-line to be accredicted. Then, she stood up and walked towards the computer operator. After completing the process, she left the hall, but not after Femi had exchanged phone number with her.
At about 11:00pm that same day, Femi was fast asleep when his phone started ringing. He reluctantly stood up grumbling and wondered who could be calling him at that odd hour of the day. Amid fallen-eyes, he finally got hold of the phone and discovered that the caller was Ayo.
Every iota of sleep suddenly eluded him, as he shrugged his eyes in riveria. She was the least expected person he had thought would beep his phone at that profane hour…..
Talk about the power of a woman!!!…
To Be Continued…
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