CleanEdge Solutions

CleanEdge Solutions
Solving Nigerias waste problem is our priority



Thursday, October 13, 2016

Unbelievable Words Nigerians Use That Actually Don't Exist

Although there are many awesome things Nigerians do, we do have some face palm moments. Don't laugh too hard at the five words Nigerians use that doesn't exist in the English dictionary:

  • 1. Installmentally

This doesn't exist anywhere else except only in Nigeria. If you doubt this, just search"Installmentally" on google and watch only Nigerian sites pop up.

  • 2. Night-Vigil

This is another one I don't understand. Does anyone ever hold a vigil during the day?

  • 3. Disvirgin

How hard is it to say deflowered? It must be extremely difficult because even health professionals and newsmen use this absurd word that doesn't exist.

  • 4. Wake Keeping (Wake keep)

Nigerians have not only made the old European custom of watching over a corpse till it's buried
(called a wake) theirs, they have actually renamed it. Please, there is no such phrase as "wake keep" or even "wake keeping".
  • 5. Cunny

This is not meant as a euphemism for the female body part. When Nigerians say this word, they mean "cunning". How is that for a giant leap forward?

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