CleanEdge Solutions

CleanEdge Solutions
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Monday, October 24, 2016

Top 8 best herbs to improve fertility and get pregnant fast

Here is the most wanted list of top 10 Herbs to Improve Fertility and which will help you get pregnant fast. There are wonderful fertility herbs used from ancient time. The list includes fertility herbs for men and women. Choose the one based on your problem. When women using these fertility herbs, her period or menstrual cycle became  regular and ovulation occurs properly, thus getting pregnant faster.
If the infertility is related to male partner issue, use herbs to increase the sperm count and quality.  People now a days wants herbs for getting twins or for preferred sex. However this is not based on herbs use. You can simply use this herbs, even if you are not trying to get pregnant, but for regulating periods and hormones for overall well being.


This is one of the best fertility herb for men and also for women. In women  it tone and nourish the uterus. The herb promotes strengthening of the kidneys and adrenal glands. This herb preparing a woman’s body for pregnancy and also help for sustaining the embryo once conception occurs. You can take the herb as tea One, two, or even more cups per day. The tea is extremely high in Vitamin K and found to increase breast milk supply in mothers.


It is an excellent fertility herb with high amounts of calcium and magnesium.   This is one of the best herb to help with fertility. This affects a woman’s ability to conceive by supporting the glandular system. This is an alkalizing herb which   balancing of the hormones needed for conception. With this herb use your uterus PH, goes a long way toward favoring conception. Take this as tea with peppermint.


Leaves of this herb is high in calcium. This act as a soothing uterine tonic and hence a very effective fertility herb. This is one of the popular herb to promote fertility. Fertility promoting effects of this herb is found enhanced in combination with other herbs, particularly Red Clover. You can take this as tea along with  Red Clover.  This herb lengthens the luteal phase of a menstrual cycle, thus enhancing the possibility of implantation. You have to discontinue use if you become pregnant.

Black Cohosh is a well known antispasmodic that helps relieve menstrual cramps and may stimulate the ovaries. This is a top herb to boost fertility. While taking this,  remember to use this only during the first half of your menstrual cycle and stop after ovulation.


This is called “female herb”. The herb is best for  regulating hormones and can safely used at any time in your cycle, but stop if you become pregnant. It stimulating and normalizing pituitary gland functions mainly progesterone. This regulates  female sex hormones, dysmenorrhoea, ovulatory irregularity, annovulation, amenorrhea, and premenstrual stress. This herb can increase progesterone and extend the luteal phase.


Wild Yam can increase progesterone production.  This is a great help for those with short luteal phase. The herb should only be taken after ovulation. If taken before it can actually prevent ovulation and prevent pregnancy. Even though scientifically not proved, this is one of the best fertility herb for twins.


This is one among the best herb to increase fertility in women. This act as a wonder herb for improving fertility over 40.  Asparagus racemosus grown throughout India, traditionally used in Ayurveda. The root of this plant is used traditionally used as general female reproductive tonic and hormonal balancer.
This also used to promote breast milk flow. The herb improve overall fertility with no toxic side effects reported with long term use. The Adaptogenic Actions Support Overall Stress Support and  helpful with women who have stress related or immune-mediated fertility issues. This Supports Mucous Membranes and prevents threatened miscarriage.

Note: If you are considering taking fertility boosting herbs, find a registered medical herbalist, inform your medical history, particular health and fertility issues, other drugs you are taking, to avoid any potentially harmful interactions.

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