CleanEdge Solutions

CleanEdge Solutions
Solving Nigerias waste problem is our priority



Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Impossible To Love 6

Click here to read episode 5

It has been 6 months since our wedding anniversary and I am beginning to wonder about some changes I am seeing in King. He has not cashed the last 5 cheques I have left for him. I also noticed he has been going out more often. I don't know what he is up to and curiosity is killing the cat. Not like I care if he gets run down by a truck but the inquisitive part of my brain doesn't seem to desire a break. I have almost asked him a number of times but I just stop myself before I do. After all, we have never been answerable to each other. The opportunity to ask him presented itself one Saturday afternoon as I sat down on the sofa trying to catch up on some episodes of Scandal. He came to the living room and grabbed his car keys from its usual position on the center table. I could smell his perfume where I was sitting and it was obvious he had just showered.

''So is it your low life girlfriends or your shady business deals that is taking you out today?'' I couldn't help the sarcasm I was feeling. I don't know why his going out irritated me.

"Does my wife suddenly care? Is that jealousy I hear in your voice?'' He moved and sat beside me on the sofa, touching my laps.

''Get your hands off me King, do I look like I give a damn about what you do?''

"Anyway, to answer your question babe, I do not do shady deals any longer. I told you I am going to work hard on being the man for you and I meant it. I got a contract to supply some office equipment to some ministries and that is what I have been working on. I can show you the offer letter''

''I am not interested... I quickly cut in before he decided to start pouring his heart to me''

''and to your second question, there are no girls anywhere. I am waiting patiently for the day my wife decides to let me into her bed.. although I must add that I am growing impatient.''

I didn't even know when I started laughing, I laughed so hard, it was hard to contain...''are you freaking kidding me? You really expect that one day, by some miracle, I'll willingly decide to sleep with you? Trust me, I am not that horny''

''Let us test that shall we?'' Before I could grasp the full meaning of what he was saying, his lips closed over mine. Part of me was angry and I struggled a bit to be free not responding at first. Then he became persistent and my lips parted of their own accord. I actually felt butterflies fluttering about in my tummy. It had been so long and I could not help being lost in the moment. My hands went round his neck. I was truly enjoying the kiss and our bodies moved closer together on the sofa, his hands caressed my back. I was still enjoying it tremendously when he gently pulled away. I was so angry with myself and with him. I don't know which one got the better of me, anger that he stopped or anger that I responded to him in the first place.

''From the way you responded, I gather I was not so wrong was I?''

I did not hesitate to give him a dirty slap, which landed right on his cheek in swift motion. He was not expecting it. '' Do not ever touch me again, do you understand?''

He rose up from the sofa and looked at me with so much raging anger in his eyes. I had never seen him that way and I knew immediately I had awoken a beast. He turned to me with the weirdest grin and said, "Its time you understand who you married''.

He lifted me off the sofa with such precision and I became so scared.

''King please, please put me down, I am sorry for slapping you'' I pleaded but his face was unflinching.

Once he dropped me on his bed, I could not stop the tears, I tried rolling off in that instant but he immediately took off his shoes and held my two hands over my head.

''King please don't do this. Please''

I had to shut my eyes because I could not bear to see the devil unleashed in this man I called my husband. I felt my gown being ripped apart. He could have easily lifted it up. I felt my panties as he moves them aside and rammed into me with such force I had to scream.

''It has been 18 months since I touched my own wife. I am tired and I am not taking it for one more second''

I closed my eyes as the tears continually rolled down my face. This was plain rape, this was sexual abuse. Who do I tell that my husband raped me? I knew the moment he reached his orgasm, I could feel the tension in his body. I kept me eyes closed as he slumped against me exhausted from the aftermath of his release. He lifted himself a bit and wiped the tears off my face with his fingers. I recoiled at his touch. He immediately got up but I could not bear to look at him. When I finally heard the force of the door slamming shut, I knew he had left. I laid there for hours not able to comprehend what just happened.  I thought I hated my husband after I discovered 18 months ago that he had married me for my money and lied, now what I feel for him can only be called empty.

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